Wellbeing and Resilience at Wellesley

Promoting wellbeing and resilience is an important focus at Wellesley. With increasing involvement in extra-curricular activities, higher performance expectations, and less down-time away from technology, children are facing a greater level of stressors in their lives which can negatively affect their wellbeing.

We believe it is important to proactively build the ability to bounce back and move forward after a setback. Recent findings from scientific research have highlighted the benefits associated with higher levels of wellbeing – more creative thinking, a greater capacity for resilience, stronger relationships and improved academic outcomes.

The Wellesley Wellbeing and Resilience Programme

There are three strands to this programme, each building on the other and rolled out gradually throughout the year groups:

Year Level Specific focus:

Personal wellbeing and healthy relationships-  Year 1 – 3 focus: Self-awareness and self-regulation, relationships and emotional resilience – an interactive classroom programme taught from a Christian perspective.

Mindfulness- Year 4 – 6 focus: Pause, Breathe, Smile mindfulness – a New Zealand developed and researched mindfulness programme for schools.

The Service Award- Year 7 – 8 focus:

-The Wellesley Service Award – Bronze, silver and gold levels. The aim of the award is to encourage and acknowledge the students as they engage in acts of service at school, at home and in the community.

-VIA character strengths – Character strengths are the characteristics that define what’s best about people. When used effectively, character strengths can enhance health and overall wellbeing and resilience. The VIA Character Strength Survey is designed specifically to measure these 24 character strengths in individuals.

Whole School Focus:

Navigating the Journey

Navigating the Journey is a NZ-developed programme which establishes a positive learning environment, and teaches self-awareness, regulation of emotions, and social skills.

For more information please contact:

Chévon O’Leary, Head of Religious Education

Libby Bloomfield, Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy

Chris Parker, Dean of Pastoral Care

Libby is available to meet with students on Mondays and Wednesdays. Referrals can be made by parents and teachers. Libby provides a safe, accepting place to meet and talk and offers support for students experiencing change and loss, anxiety and other pastoral care needs. Libby is also the link person between Wellesley and St Alban’s Anglican Church in Eastbourne. St Alban’s currently hold their 10 am Sunday worship service in the Wellesley Hall.

Wellesley is blessed to have such wonderful children in our midst and a prayer team meets weekly to pray for the Wellesley staff, students and the wider community.

For more information please contact Libby.

Chapel is held in the Hall on Mondays at 9.15am. Parents are welcome to attend. The chapel themes this year will focus on:

  • The Wellesley values;
  • Christian values;
  • Special events in the church year.

For more information on key dates and themes for 2022 please contact Chevon

Wellesley offers a weekly opt-in Faith Programme called Champions. The Programme teaches care and respect for others, what it means to be a good friend, being brave and doing the right thing, making good choices, helping others, working together, self-control and forgiveness, doing your best and asking for help.

For more information contact: Libby