Frequently Asked Questions

Where do we report on the first day at Wellesley?

New boys are to report to the School Hall between 8.15am and 8.45am where staff will record travel arrangements for that afternoon. Senior students will show your son to his classroom. Staff will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Returning boys may go straight to their new classrooms.

How do I register my son for the bus?

When you filled in your enrolment data form, you will have indicated whether or not your son intends to catch the bus.  A report showing which suburb your boys are from is created and Veronica Stevens will meet with all new boys during their first day to double check bus information and assign younger boys with their bus buddies. Feel free to phone the school office if you have any queries.

Does my son require a bus pass?

Boys do not require bus passes.  The bus will collect Wellesley boys from the designated bus stops.

Can my son catch a different bus from his regular one?

Sometimes, due to sports practices or other after school arrangement changes, it is easier for boys to catch a different bus from their regular one. Please email the teacher and/or school office so this is noted.

How do I know what school events are coming up?

The School Calendar has information about school events, this is updated regularly and available on the school website.

Where do I find Term Dates for Wellesley?

Term dates are displayed on the school website as soon as they have been set for the year.

Where do I purchase the School Uniform?

Uniform items can be purchased online or in store from NZ Uniforms on Thorndon Quay in Wellington City or High Street in Lower Hutt. For more information about the Wellelsey uniform requirements, click here.

Is there a second hand uniform shop?

If you want to buy or sell second hand uniform pieces, please list them using the button below. Parents can make contact with each other via details on the populated spreadsheet – view spreadsheet here. Listings are only current for a week, so remember to relist anything no sold or purchased.

Can boys purchase lunches at school?

Wellesley has a wonderful school canteen, and lunches are prepared freshly each day. Lunches must be pre-ordered and paid for online before 9.00am each morning. Please register here. Snacks can be purchased from the school canteen at morning tea and lunch times.

How do I report an absence or late arrival of my son?

Please report your son’s absence to the class teacher before 9.00am. Please also include the school office by emailing: or or leaving a message on the Absentee line: 04 562 8030 and press 2 to leave a message.

How do I purchase stationery for my son?

Stationery is provided by the school, however boys should bring their own pencil case, pens, pencils etc. The individual teacher will message the class with exact requirements.

How do I change my contact details with the school?

Please let the school know of any changes to email addresses, physical addresses or phone numbers by emailing It is a good idea to copy your class teacher in too.

How do I change my son’s travel arrangements during the day?

If you need to change your son’s travel arrangements during the day please email the classroom teacher and the school office

We would appreciate after school arrangements being made with your son prior to the start of the school day, however we do realise there are occasions when this is not possible.

How do I register my son for Music Lessons?

Music lessons are offered at Wellesley as part of our  Extra-curricular Arts programme, and cost $35 per half hour. You can enrol your son in music lessons by completeing the Itinerant Music Lessons Form. 

Are boys required to bring their own devices to Wellesley (BYOD)?

All boys in Years 6-8 are required to bring their own computer for day to day work at school and home. As of this year, our BYOD scheme now extends to Year 5 students. However, this is still completely optional-  we still have a full suite of computers available for each boy to use, if you are not wishing to purchase a device for your son. For information on devices that meets our specifications and requirements please visit our partner Cyclone . For more information visit our ICT Digital Safety page.

Can my son bring his cellphone to school?

Boys are welcome to bring cellphones to school, however during the school day they must be kept in their bags in their lockers. Any urgent messages should go through the school office.

Does the school have good Internet Filters?

Whilst at school and using the school’s network all traffic is filtered to keep students safe. Wellesley has recently introduced Family Zone, including the Mobile Zone App. All boys from Years 4-8 bringing devices to school (including phones), must have the App uploaded on all devices. For full details click here.

How do I find out about cancellations of school trips, sports fixtures etc.?

Cancellations will be posted asap on the School App, Facebook page, and on the website news section. To download the school App visit:

What happens if there is a Civil Defence Emergency?

Wellesley is a Civil Defence Post. Each classroom is equipped with an emergency kit to cater for all children. Food and water is available, and boys will be kept at school until a parent or designated adult arrives to collect them. If your son has particular allergies to food groups, please discuss this with the class teacher – you may be required to provide food for your son to be kept at the school. For more information, please view our Emergency Management Plan

What are the transport options for boys?

Wellesley offers a range of transport options for boys .Buses depart from several locations. For transportation costs, please contact the office. Boys also use the East by West Ferry from Queens Wharf to Days Bay Wharf, tickets can be purchased on board or concession tickets can be purchased via the Ferry Office on Queens Wharf. View timetable.

Where do I drop off and pick my son up from?

It is preferred (for safety reasons) that parents do not use the main entrance to the school for drop off and pick up. There is parking up behind the school on Kotari Road and areas at the front of the school near the bus stops. Some older boys walk over the Pavilion Café next door to the school and are collected from there.