
Pūmanawa at Wellesley


Pūmanawa is Te Reo Maori for strength in learning or giftedness. The Pūmanawa specialist learning programme allows recognised boys to be extended and enriched in small, like-minded learning workshops that cater towards their individual learning, social and emotional needs. We have a broad and flexible approach towards discovering boys who might benefit from the Pūmanawa learning programme at Wellesley College. This may include discussions and input from classroom teachers, parents, assessment data, formal reports, student and peer reflections and other extended whanau and community members.

Pūmanawa workshops are led by a Specialist Teacher (Mr Marko Cunningham and are also broad and flexible in nature ensuring that we cater to the passions, strengths and learning/social/emotional needs of the boys. Pūmanawa at Wellesley College opens doors to new opportunities such as events and competitions that may encourage deep and rich learning and might inspire future achievements in leading fields such as literacy and mathematics. For example, Kids Lit Quiz, Hutt Science STEMM Competition and submissions to Toitoi Journal of Young Peoples Writing and Art.

Please contact  Marko if you wish to discuss the Pūmanawa learning programme at Wellesley College further.